Environmental Connections

Environmental Connections is forging links among our leaders of non-profits, for-profits and governments to address environmental sustainability. Visit here to see some of the projects we are working on.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Merrimack Valley Creative Economy

Planning is putting Talk into Action

Let's talk about what we're planning now. For the Merrimack Valley we're planning to create a cultural buzz, what Ron Martino calls "Created in New England -a River Runs Through It."

What else? Green business, green building, the Carbon Amesbury Project. What can we do to help your company or organization, or community to become more sustainable?

Visit SEED to see what the Greater Newburyport area is doing to "go green".

We continue to talk about doing good things for the land and water- ecotourism, 8 Towns and the Bay, land planning and more.

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